key facts
The only free and easy to read collection of data on the economic structure and real estate market of the metropolitan area of Milan, Monza-Brianza, Lodi and Pavia, updated as of December 31st 2020.
The "Milano Keys Facts" portal is a tool for businesses, investors, public administrations and researchers. It collects all the relevant information on the Milan metropolitan area, and the Provinces of Monza Brianza, Lodi, Pavia with respect to three main sectors: territorial indicators, productive sectors and real estate market, complemented by graphs, maps, elaborations of qualitative trends, performance and the productive structure of the territory.
Balance between registered and cancelled businesses in the last year
Balance between registered and cancelled businesses in the last year
Number of offices purchases executed in the last year
Number of offices purchases executed in the last year
Number of warehouse purchases executed in the last year
Number of warehouse purchases executed in the last year
Bn €
Total corporate real estate investments in the Milan area
Total corporate real estate investments in the Milan area